
Pre-Repair Authorization

GM Pre-Repair Authorization Application is an application for documentation and submission of General Motors warranty pre-repair reports. 

 The app allows users to include photo and video proof of the repair needed. It is catered for General Motors Employees or General Motors Dealership and Service personnel only.

The app allows users to include photo and video proof of the repair needed. It is catered for General Motors Employees or General Motors Dealership and Service personnel only.

A cleaner login experience

A cleaner login experience

The look and feel of the updated login screen adheres to more modern design guidelines and gives the user a stronger and more confident first impression of the application.

Out with the old, in with the new

Out with the old, in with the new

The updated interface includes modern design choices like brighter colors, modernized UI elements and closer adherence to material guidelines. Users also now receive visual confirmation that they have captured photos and video.

A faster path to repair

A faster path to repair

Users can scan the vehicle’s VIN using the in-app camera instead of  manually typing it in. 

Fast Delivery

Fast Delivery

Enlarging the most important phrase on the screen provides emphasis, and its minimalist design enables the reader to more quickly and easily understand the screen’s message while evoking a better emotional response.

